Friday, September 7, 2012

It's a.....BOY!

Okay, folks, so here is the story...Nathan and I were planning on waiting to find out whether we were having a boy or girl until the very end! Well, we recently have become aware of a few blood disorders that are dominant on my side of the family. Therefore, I have to now get tested to see if I have a blood disorder. Even if I don't have a blood disorder, the baby still has a chance of getting one because I can be a carrier...

SO, the doctors that are doing all of this testing for me have to know the gender of the baby in order to predict the probability of the baby having a blood disorder. (Most of the blood disorders on my side of the family are male dominant). Basically, the higher the probability of a blood disorder, the higher the likelihood that it was going to be boy. So instead of accidentally finding out when someone slipped and said something, we just decided to find out!

I am still adjusting to the fact that this little one is a boy :) Since we already have a girl, it was hard to envision a boy in there! Nathan and I are so excited to meet this little man in January! We already have a name picked out but you are going to have to wait until January to find out! Bailey doesn't completely understand just how much this will change her life but she is going to be a wonderful big sister!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Bailey's First Year














Pictures from her birthday weekend coming soon!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Can't believe it's been one year already...

Wow, this first year of Bailey's life has really gone fast. I know that everyone tells you that but it really wasn't until Bailey was about 10 months that I realized JUST how fast time was slipping by. I think it was because she got more mobile and wasn't as "snuggly"!

"More please"...

So a few days ago, Bailey woke up about a half hour early and wasn't going to go back to sleep so I went in to her room and decided to rock for a little bit. (I wasn't ready to get up and going just yet and wanted some snuggles) At first, B was a little wiggly but then I started humming some hymns and she calmed down and just sat and listened for about 15 minutes. Then, as I was still humming, she signed her sign for "more please" for me to keep singing to her. We have been teaching her to sign this when she wants more to eat and so far she hasn't really used it without being prompted.

It was so sweet, my heart melted right then and there. I didn't want the snuggle session to end. She sat for about 10 more minutes before she was ready for some breakfast! I will always cherish that moment!

Bailey is officially walking EVERYWHERE! She is on the go and it is pretty fun to watch her explore our house with her new talent! She will turn one on August 25th! We are excited to celebrate all of the joy she has brought to our lives in the last year! 

This last weekend, Nathan and I went to visit The Midwife's Place in Bellevue, Nebraska. We are hoping to deliver our baby there in January (weather permitting). I am seeing a midwife in Hastings, Nebraska for most of my prenatal appointments and will deliver at Mary Lanning Hospital if we cannot make it to Bellevue (a 3 hour drive from Kearney). 

On that note, Baby #2 is doing well! I have been able to feel little movements for a few weeks now but Nathan felt the baby move for the first time this week! We are really excited to wait until the baby comes to know whether we have a new daughter or son! It's going to be the best surprise EVER!

In other news, I recently became a Tastefully Simple Independent Consultant! I am very excited about this new adventure. If you are interested in ordering or setting up a home taste testing party or book party, let me know! 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Baby #2

Baby #2 is happy and healthy and 12 weeks along already! Can't believe how fast the first trimester has gone! We are so excited to welcome another little blessing into our family! :)

We have decided to do an all natural birth at a birthing center (weather permitting since the birthing center is in Omaha)! I am a little nervous but so excited to experience child birth again and this time without the assistance of an epidural! I truly believe that God is going to give me the strength I need to do it! :) 

Bailey is a busy busy 10 month old! She experienced her first night of fireworks and really seemed to enjoy them! She is crawling everywhere and pulling herself up on anything that will hold her weight! Her first birthday is right around the corner....I have a feeling she might be walking before I'm ready for her to start! She keeps me on my toes, that's for sure! 

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Bailey has a secret to tell...

...she is going to be a BIG SISTER! 

You can't see it in the picture above but her shirt says BIG SIS! We are so excited to finally let all of our friends and family know our exciting news! We had an ultrasound this week and we are 7 weeks along which puts our due date January 22, 2013! Obviously we still have a ways to go but we just couldn't wait any longer to share our news with everyone! 

We will keep you posted as we will have another appointment in a few weeks! I am feeling great, just had a little bit of nausea during the last week but feeling much better this week! We are so blessed to have another little blessing on the way and pray that the Lord would prepare us for this next season in our life as parents of two children (yes, the doctor confirmed there is only ONE baby in there)! 

Stay tuned....more updates to come very soon!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Eight Months

Wow, I really cannot believe it has been 8 months since Nathan and I became parents! Bailey is such a joy and learns something new every day!

Her smile could brighten any one's day! She is almost crawling and although she doesn't quite get the mechanics of how her knees work, she still gets from A to B by rolling or her personal favorite....a graceful nose dive from the sitting position. I have a feeling this girl is going to be a gutsy toddler some day!

This picture was taken on her 8 month birthday! Such a pretty girl!

She sits up a lot better now and really enjoys having the freedom to play with her toys more independently! She is FINALLY starting to grow some hair although I would still call it nothing more than peach fuzz! Thank goodness for bows!

She still LOVES playing peek-a-boo! Here is a video of Bailey and Nathan playing her current favorite past time (please excuse the poor quality...I took the video with my iPad)...

Bailey just said "Ma-ma" for the first time this last week and it is now her favorite thing to say! Grandma Patten is already trying to get her to move on to "Gra-ma" but it might be awhile for that! She loves looking at her books and giggles at almost everything! 

My Great-Grandma Anita Pedersen got re-married this weekend! Pretty sure that Bailey will be the only little girl in her elementary school someday to say that she attended her Great-Great-Grandma's wedding...

Rachel and her family are back visiting from Virginia this week so my next blog will be full of cousins pictures! After telling Bailey a story about the dragon in the deep dark forest last week over the phone, Riah informed her he was going to teach her how to give hugs and kisses! :)

Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring has Sprung

Wow, the weather has been AWESOME here in Nebraska! Bailey and I have been enjoying walks out in the sunshine! As a recent 7 month old, Bailey is rolling over with style whenever she has a chance (including while I am changing her diaper)! She babbles and screeches as she is trying to figure out how to control her vocal cords! It won't be long until we have a crawler!

A few month back I thought it would be a great idea to sign up for a half marathon in June here in Kearney. I am in one of my close friend's wedding on June 23rd so I thought, "What a great way to get in shape for summer!" Well, friends, I have officially entered the 12 week count down and still have not started my training....It's harder than I thought to work out with a baby in tow. Hopefully with this nice weather, Bailey and I will break in the jogging stroller and actually JOG with it....I will keep you posted!

For those of you who may have missed my recent video post of Bailey, here it is:

Nathan and I are loving watching Bailey learn new things everyday! Hopefully I will have a better report for you on my half marathon training by the next time I post! Well, I have 15 more minutes until my little angel wakes up from her nap so I better get going! Until next time...

Monday, February 13, 2012

Full of Giggles

Wow, time is flying by! Nathan and I are enjoying every moment that we have with our sweet baby girl! She will be six months old in a few weeks! We have taken some fun videos of her over the last month or so! Enjoy!

Bailey laughs at my hiccups!

Go figure her favorite toy would be a water bottle...

Bailey started cereal and fruits! :) Yum Yum!

Bailey (6 months) & Cousin Daxton (2 months) 

Hope you are all having a wonderful February as we anticipate spring! 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Vote for Bailey

Hey! Welcome to my new blog! I was tired of wrestling my way through Wordpress so I converted over to Blogger! Before I post about how our first Christmas and New Years as a family of 3 went, check out how cute our baby girl is...

She will be 5 months old on January 25th! Bailey enjoys blowing bubbles, attempting to roll over, babbling and trying to shove her whole fist into her mouth! Recently, Bailey was entered in a baby photo contest in a local Nebraska paper! If you want, take a minute to give her a vote! :) Click on the link to the right to vote! You can vote once a day until January 25th! Bailey says THANK YOU!

Watch for a blog with pictures from Bailey's first Christmas hopefully next week sometime!