Thursday, August 11, 2011

COMING SOON: Baby Girl Fries

Well, the arrival of our daughter is fast approaching! We had a doctor check up on Wednesday, August 10th and our Dr. said she isn't sure if I will make it to my September 1st due date! The news was both exciting and a little nerve racking! :) We are so excited to meet our baby girl! We got the three bedrooms painted and as soon as I get my wall decor hung, I will post some updated pictures! We have our car seat, diaper bag, stroller and bassinet so we are as "ready" as we can be. We missed our birthing class in June so we are currently registered to take an express, all day class on August 20th...we will see if we make it!

Last week our stroller came in the mail and Nathan was thrilled that I captured each step of him putting it together on camera :)

We have had a VERY busy summer! Nathan played on our church softball team, a men's softball team as well as a town baseball team. He finishes up this weekend with a tournament on the baseball team. I have a feeling he probably won't be playing on ALL three of those teams next summer but I am glad he gets to continue to play the sport he really enjoys.

I have been informed by my mother that I'm not allowed to go into labor until after next Wednesday, August 17th because she and my dad will be visiting my sister and her husband to celebrate my nephews' birthdays until then. It will be interesting to see what happens...we will keep you all posted!