Monday, December 5, 2011

So Thankful

Nathan and I have so much to be thankful for this year! Our first home, the blessing of our first born daughter and soaking up every moment we can with her! I can't believe that one year ago I was pregnant with Bailey and didn't know it yet! Christmas morning was the day we found out we were pregnant and here we are a whole year later and we have a beautiful 3 month old daughter!

Parenthood has been quite an adventure! I work part time 2 days a week at Collage Center. While I am working, my mom stays with Bailey. She loves her Grandma time (and Grandma loves her Bailey time)! Bailey started sleeping through the night at 7 weeks and now goes down about 9pm and sleeps until 8am! This is very nice for both Nathan and I to have a full night's sleep! Bailey and I enjoy our days at home when I don't work! Being a stay at home mom has always been something that I have looked forward to and I am so thankful that I can still spend the majority of my week at home with her while still being able to be in the office doing something I am passionate about at Collage Center!

Bailey has grown so much in the last 3 months! She has almost doubled her weight! She is a whopping 15.2 pounds as of December 3rd! She started giggling, blowing bubbles, holding some of her toys and sitting up with help from us! We love making her laugh and smile!

On November 20th, we made a public dedication with our church family to bring up Bailey in a household that serves the Lord. We were blessed to have lots of friends and family come to her dedication to support us as we endeavor into the realm of parenthood.

Bailey & I

Our Family at Bailey's Dedication 11-20-11

Daddy & Bailey

We were able to spend Thanksgiving with Nathan's family since my parents traveled to VA to see Holden, Rachel, Eric & Carley. It was great to just relax the whole weekend! I even got in on some Black Friday shopping with one of my friends. Stood in line at Kohls for an hour and my friend and I decided that we need a better strategy next year and we are already making plans! Here was Bailey's Thanksgiving outfit...

Everyone is thankful for ME!
Chillin in her bumbo seat...
Cousin Fletcher catching some snuggles with Bailey and Uncle Nate!
We are looking forward to spending Christmas with both of our families! Bailey will get lots of lovin, I'm sure!

Monday, September 12, 2011

She's here!

Bailey Elizabeth Fries

August 25, 2011
4:59 AM
8 pounds 5 ounces
19 3/4 inches

8:45 AM - Wednesday, August 24th -
On Wednesday, August 24th, Nathan and I went to my OB check up to find out that I was still 3 cm and 80% efaced (the same as I had been the week before). I had decided on Monday, August 22nd that I wasn't going to go to work anymore so that I could stay home and rest before baby. So after our appointment, Nathan went to work and I went home and waited...I was really nervous that my water would break while I was in the car, sitting on the couch or while I was walking around Walmart. So I decided to just relax at home.

9:00 PM - Wednesday, August 24th -
I was having contractions but wasn't sure if they were real contractions or Braxton Hicks contractions which I had been having for several weeks. But then I started having really sharp pain in my lower back. Nathan had gone to youth group and got home about 9:00PM. We went for a walk around the block and then decided to time out the pain I was having to see if there was a pattern. While I sat on the couch and timed out the pain, Nathan did some last minute packing in our overnight bag.

10:45 PM - Wednesday, August 24th -
There was not a real consistent pattern between contractions so we decided to just go to bed. We laid down and I laid there for 15 minutes and couldn't sleep through the pain I was having in my lower back. So I decided to call my Dr...when I got a hold of her she happened to be on call that night and was already at the hospital because she had 2 other patients in labor. So she said that I should come on up to the hospital and she would check to see if there was any progress. So we packed up the car and checked into the hospital at 11:25PM!

11:25 PM - Wednesday, August 24th -
I wasn't completely convinced that I was in labor for real so I was preparing myself to be sent home...After changing into a gown and getting hooked up to the baby heart monitor and the contraction monitor, my Dr. checked me and I had progressed to 4 cm and 100% efaced. My Dr. looked at me and said that she could break my water and get me going and that I would most likely be having an August 25th baby. I looked at Nathan and gave him a look that said, "I'm not sure if I'm ready for this..." We called my mom and Chelsea because they were going to be in the room when Bailey was born. The Dr. came in after I got my IV and said that she had ordered the epidural if I wanted it, all I had to do was ask. I said I was doing okay and would wait a little bit. Well, after she broke my water the contractions hit my like a freight train....I looked at Nathan and told him I wanted to get things rolling for the epidural...

2:00 AM - Thursday, August 25th -
Chelsea came as they were prepping me for the epidural and my mom came in just as they were finishing. I felt so much better as the epidural took effect! My mom got my sister on the phone and I talked to her for a few minutes. She said it was killing her not being there and that she couldn't sleep she was so excited. Well, little did I know that the reason she wasn't sleeping was being she was just about an hour away from Kearney. She had jumped in the car with Riah and Cliff almost 24 hours prior and started driving to Nebraska from Virginia. Her mother in law met her in St. Louis and drove the second half of the trip with her. She drove my dad's car from Grand Island to Kearney and Riah and Cliff went with her mother in law. So about an hour after I talked to her on the phone, in she walks into my hospital room. I seriously get teary just thinking about it again. I thought I was dreaming when I saw her. Because my blood pressure was being monitored, my tears caused my blood pressure monitor to start beeping but I didn't care! I couldn't believe she had driven so far to be there for my labor and delivery. Obviously, she wasn't planning on cutting it so close. Her plan was to get to Nebraska and be here when I went into labor but I happened to go into labor while she was still travelling. I'm so thankful she left VA when she did!

2:30 AM - Thursday, August 25th -
After my epidural, I had progressed to 7 cm! Nathan, Chelsea, Mom, Rachel and I just kind of relaxed in the room. It still felt so surreal that we were about to meet our baby girl!

3:45 AM - Thursday, August 25th -
My nurse came in and checked me to find out that was 10 cm! I looked at her and said, "What does that mean?" (even though I knew). She said that it was time to start pushing! Hardest thing I think I have ever done in my life! My body was so tired but thankfully I had some awesome coaches! Nathan was behind me and was massaging my head, Rachel and my mom were at my left side and Chelsea on my right. I was getting really tired but then I heard the nurse say she was going to get the Dr...I was so relieved because I knew that meant that it was almost over and our daughter was about to be born!

4:59 AM - Thursday, August 25th -
Finally, after 1 hour and 7 minutes of pushing, Bailey Elizabeth Fries was born...all 8 pounds and 5 ounces of her! When I saw her for the first time, all I could think was, "How in the world did that pile of chubby baby come out of me?" She was beautiful!

Nathan and I couldn't be happier! She is adorable and will be 3 weeks old this week! She left the hospital at 7 pounds 12 ounces and at her check up last week she was 8 pounds 10 ounces! She is well on her way to being a chubby baby! She is a great eater and sleeper except for some minor issues with gas... We love just starring at her and taking in all of her faces and little smiles that randomly pop up!

Rachel and my mom took turns staying with us that first week! It was so great to have someone there to help us when she woke up in the night those first couple nights so that Nathan and I could get some extra rest. Chelsea came for a day and helped me tackle laundry, dishes and cleaning (and snuggles with Bailey of course)!

Riah and Cliff got to meet their little cousin! Riah would look at her and say, "She's just so cute!" Aunt Rachel enjoyed her snuggle time with Bailey since she will not see her again until Christmas...

Kellen, Barrett and Fletcher also got to meet their baby girl cousin! Yes, Bailey has a total of 5 boy cousins with a 6th little boy arriving to Nathan's brother and sister in law in December 2011 when they will welcome a 4th little boy into their family.

Nathan and I are so blessed to have supportive friends and family who have come around us as we begin our journey as parents! We are often overwhelmed with gratitude for all the support, meals and time that people have invested in our lives! We are really looking forward to what God has in store for our family as we raise Bailey :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

COMING SOON: Baby Girl Fries

Well, the arrival of our daughter is fast approaching! We had a doctor check up on Wednesday, August 10th and our Dr. said she isn't sure if I will make it to my September 1st due date! The news was both exciting and a little nerve racking! :) We are so excited to meet our baby girl! We got the three bedrooms painted and as soon as I get my wall decor hung, I will post some updated pictures! We have our car seat, diaper bag, stroller and bassinet so we are as "ready" as we can be. We missed our birthing class in June so we are currently registered to take an express, all day class on August 20th...we will see if we make it!

Last week our stroller came in the mail and Nathan was thrilled that I captured each step of him putting it together on camera :)

We have had a VERY busy summer! Nathan played on our church softball team, a men's softball team as well as a town baseball team. He finishes up this weekend with a tournament on the baseball team. I have a feeling he probably won't be playing on ALL three of those teams next summer but I am glad he gets to continue to play the sport he really enjoys.

I have been informed by my mother that I'm not allowed to go into labor until after next Wednesday, August 17th because she and my dad will be visiting my sister and her husband to celebrate my nephews' birthdays until then. It will be interesting to see what happens...we will keep you all posted!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Sidney Patten
October 2, 1923-June 15, 2011

My Grandpa Patten went to be with the Lord last week. He was a man of integrity and humility. I have so many sweet memories such as homemade waffles & raspberry jam, his passion for gardening, his quiet spirit, his laugh, the fact that he never forgot to send a birthday card and eventually anniversary cards. He is rejoicing with His Savior as you read this post as well as reunited with my Grandma Patten who preceded him in 2008. He certainly left a legacy behind him, along with 9 children, 32 grandchildren and 20 great grandchildren. It saddens me that our little girl will not have the chance to meet him on this side of heaven, but Nathan and I will be able to share with her what a wonderful man he was!

Baby Girl Fries

Our baby girl is right on track for her expected arrival date of September 5th which ironically happens to be Labor Day... She is close to 3 pounds and never stops moving, kicking and elbowing! I am fairly certain that I have internal bruising, especially on my diaphragm. It is such a blessing to feel her leaping within my womb and we just imagine what she will look like when she finally joins us! Nathan and I are thoroughly entertained by watching her movement cause my stomach to roll. She very much favors laying on the right side which often times causes my stomach to be a bit lopsided!


We moved in our first home on Sunday, June 12th! We had lots of help from faithful friends and family! The unpacking process is slow but it is fun to find a place for everything. Thankfully, the kitchen was the first room completed and other than not being able to find the alarm clock, we are as settled as we can be. Here are pictures of the house empty before we moved in...



Bedroom #1: NURSERY






1/2 BATH in BASEMENT-eventually full bathroom with shower hopefully!


BASEMENT-Laundry Room




There is one more room in the basement that I didn't get a picture of before we filled it with will eventually be a family room. We are very excited to get the walls painted upstairs so we can officially be moved in! We currently have our bed set up in what will be the nursery so that we can paint the office/guestroom and master bedroom first. We are so excited to own our first home and look forward to getting settled and making it our own!

More blogs to come with updates as we paint and unpack!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The result is in....

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!

Nathan and I are so excited to announce that we will be having a baby girl in September! WE ARE SO EXCITED! More pictures to come...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ever Been to a Gender Party?

Nathan and I got to hear our baby's heart beat last week at our check up! It was so amazing! What a blessing our child is going to be in our lives and we CANNOT WAIT!

Guess what??? Our Dr. is going to check whether we are expecting a boy or a girl next month!!!! We are so excited! Instead of allowing our Dr. to just tell us and then heading over to Facebook to announce to the world BOY or GIRL, we are going to have the Dr. write the gender down and put it in a sealed envelope without telling Nathan or I whether it's a boy or girl. We will then head over to Target or Old Navy and pick out both a boy and girl outfit. I am talking a full outfit which means I will get to pick out either:



Also found at

After purchasing both outfits (& shoes), we will deliver the outfits (along with receipt) and the sealed envelope to a friend. This friend will be sworn to secrecy since she will open the sealed envelope and wrap the appropriate outfit in a neutral gift wrap and return the outfit we won't need!

THEN....a few days later we will gather with whoever wants to join us and Nathan and I will open the present to reveal either a pink or blue outfit. So, we will find out the gender at the same time as anyone else who wants to join us! I guess some people call it a GENDER PARTY! I am pretty excited about it! We are tentatively planning it for either Saturday, April 16th or Sunday, April 17th since our ultrasound is scheduled for Wednesday, April 13th!
Other news: please pray for us as we are possibly making an offer on a HOUSE here in Kearney soon! We will keep you posted on our progress!

QUESTION: Have any of you been to a gender party before?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ultrasound Pics

We had our 1st OB doctor's appointment on Valentines Day (I planned it that way on purpose)! Nathan usually gets home about 6:00 PM but he had to get off early so that he could make it back for our appointment! Which means that we were done before 5 and he had no excuse not to take me out for supper :) Actually, I am more of get a pizza and a watch a red box movie kind of girl but for some reason, I was craving me some Chinese cuisine! So we went out for Chinese (YUM) and then got a movie to watch at home! It was a perfect evening! I am thankful to have such a loving husband! Nathan has been so great as I have been processing all the changes going on in my body in the last few weeks!

Baby Fries: 6 WEEKS

Baby Fries: 8 WEEKS

Baby Fries: 10 WEEKS

It was so amazing to see our little one moving around and to hear the fast little heartbeat! THE best Valentines gift EVER! Nathan and I are so excited to be parents and praying that God would really challenge us to grow closer to Him as we prepare in the coming months for the arrival of our first born!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Baby Fries

That's right, during week 8 Baby Fries was the size of a raspberry!!! Baby Fries was probably jumping around like crazy and trying to get my attention by waving his/her little arms and legs. It will be awhile before I will be able to feel Baby's movements but I am so excited for that day!!!!

Last week, Baby Fries grew to be more the size of an olive!!! Baby's fingerprints are already formed and his/her little fingers can grasp an object placed in the palm of his/her hand....mostly other fingers and toes!

It is officially week 10! The most critical part of Baby Fries' development is complete. Baby's body length will almost double during the next 3 weeks! WOW! While a bit strange to envision, Baby's head is now about half its length - Soon the rest of the body's growth will catch up but for now this allows for rapid brain development! Baby's eyelids will fuse shut and irises will begin to develop - his/her eye color is also determined by this point.

Nathan and I have our first OB doctor's appointment on Monday and will probably get another ultrasound :) My next blog will include all the ultrasound pictures we have gotten so far!

We are still house hunting but waiting on the Lord to reveal to us the right time and the right house. We trust in His timing!

We had an awesome weekend skiing with our youth group in Laramie, WY at Snowy Range (I didn't get to ski but still had a great weekend). We enjoyed temperatures in the 50's today compared to -2 earlier this week!! What a blessing!