Friday, September 7, 2012

It's a.....BOY!

Okay, folks, so here is the story...Nathan and I were planning on waiting to find out whether we were having a boy or girl until the very end! Well, we recently have become aware of a few blood disorders that are dominant on my side of the family. Therefore, I have to now get tested to see if I have a blood disorder. Even if I don't have a blood disorder, the baby still has a chance of getting one because I can be a carrier...

SO, the doctors that are doing all of this testing for me have to know the gender of the baby in order to predict the probability of the baby having a blood disorder. (Most of the blood disorders on my side of the family are male dominant). Basically, the higher the probability of a blood disorder, the higher the likelihood that it was going to be boy. So instead of accidentally finding out when someone slipped and said something, we just decided to find out!

I am still adjusting to the fact that this little one is a boy :) Since we already have a girl, it was hard to envision a boy in there! Nathan and I are so excited to meet this little man in January! We already have a name picked out but you are going to have to wait until January to find out! Bailey doesn't completely understand just how much this will change her life but she is going to be a wonderful big sister!

1 comment:

  1. I think I know the name.... :-D

    Congrats you guys! It's lots of fun having a helpful "big sister" around.

    Congratulations Bailey. He may be younger than you but he'll protect you nonetheless. :-D
