Monday, May 7, 2012

Eight Months

Wow, I really cannot believe it has been 8 months since Nathan and I became parents! Bailey is such a joy and learns something new every day!

Her smile could brighten any one's day! She is almost crawling and although she doesn't quite get the mechanics of how her knees work, she still gets from A to B by rolling or her personal favorite....a graceful nose dive from the sitting position. I have a feeling this girl is going to be a gutsy toddler some day!

This picture was taken on her 8 month birthday! Such a pretty girl!

She sits up a lot better now and really enjoys having the freedom to play with her toys more independently! She is FINALLY starting to grow some hair although I would still call it nothing more than peach fuzz! Thank goodness for bows!

She still LOVES playing peek-a-boo! Here is a video of Bailey and Nathan playing her current favorite past time (please excuse the poor quality...I took the video with my iPad)...

Bailey just said "Ma-ma" for the first time this last week and it is now her favorite thing to say! Grandma Patten is already trying to get her to move on to "Gra-ma" but it might be awhile for that! She loves looking at her books and giggles at almost everything! 

My Great-Grandma Anita Pedersen got re-married this weekend! Pretty sure that Bailey will be the only little girl in her elementary school someday to say that she attended her Great-Great-Grandma's wedding...

Rachel and her family are back visiting from Virginia this week so my next blog will be full of cousins pictures! After telling Bailey a story about the dragon in the deep dark forest last week over the phone, Riah informed her he was going to teach her how to give hugs and kisses! :)

1 comment:

  1. So precious! Have fun with your nephews too :)

    Love to you all..
