Nathan and I got to hear our baby's heart beat last week at our check up! It was so amazing! What a blessing our child is going to be in our lives and we CANNOT WAIT!
Guess what??? Our Dr. is going to check whether we are expecting a boy or a girl next month!!!! We are so excited! Instead of allowing our Dr. to just tell us and then heading over to Facebook to announce to the world BOY or GIRL, we are going to have the Dr. write the gender down and put it in a sealed envelope without telling Nathan or I whether it's a boy or girl. We will then head over to Target or Old Navy and pick out both a boy and girl outfit. I am talking a full outfit which means I will get to pick out either:
Also found at OldNavy.com
After purchasing both outfits (& shoes), we will deliver the outfits (along with receipt) and the sealed envelope to a friend. This friend will be sworn to secrecy since she will open the sealed envelope and wrap the appropriate outfit in a neutral gift wrap and return the outfit we won't need!
THEN....a few days later we will gather with whoever wants to join us and Nathan and I will open the present to reveal either a pink or blue outfit. So, we will find out the gender at the same time as anyone else who wants to join us! I guess some people call it a GENDER PARTY! I am pretty excited about it! We are tentatively planning it for either Saturday, April 16th or Sunday, April 17th since our ultrasound is scheduled for Wednesday, April 13th!
Other news: please pray for us as we are possibly making an offer on a HOUSE here in Kearney soon! We will keep you posted on our progress!
QUESTION: Have any of you been to a gender party before?