Big news this month??? Nathan shot his first ANTELOPE! Hence the title for this blog....Nathan was able to go hunting with a high school classmate and good friend in the western part of Nebraska last weekend! They had an awesome, manly weekend of stalking out antelope! So, I came home to my hubby cutting up the meat in our kitchen on Sunday night and it don't go over very well. (I don't do well with raw meat). So then, what does Nathan ask me? "Do you want to see the head?" I gave him a quizzical look. He walked over to our deep freeze and motioned for me to come look inside. Sure enough. The entire antelope HEAD was wrapped in two garbage bags. If you're wondering, I didn't look at it very long and haven't looked in our deep freeze again. It won't be there long. Nathan will take it home this weekend and prepare it for a skull mount (that will NOT hang on our living room wall). I have to say though, I am really proud of Nathan and I am not against eating the yummy jerky and steaks :) He is such a good hunter and I love that he gets to do something he enjoys and provide for us!

September was a fun and busy month for us! Labor Day weekend I was able to drive down to Kansas City with my best friend Chelsea and pick up my best friend Dani at the airport on the way. She flew in from California and it was so great to see her! Chelsea and I visited Dani in CA in March so it was so great to have a fun girls weekend getaway! We hung out and did some fun shopping! Since Dani and I had lived with a family during our discipleship school in KC in 2007, we were able to meet up with our host family and catch up! I got lucky because the first host family I lived with was also in KC for the holiday weekend so I got to see them as well :)

I got to use my pink PSE bow at the Annual Bow Shoot this year! Nathan and I even wore our matching camo shirts....

Maybe I will get something with my bow.....after lots of practice!

Nathan & I really enjoy working with our youth group each week! They are an awesome group of teens and we pray that God uses us in a mighty way to help them grow spiritually!

We are counting down the days until our Thanksgiving roadtrip out to North Carolina and Viriginia! We are leaving the weekend before Thanksgiving to visit Nathan's aunt and uncle in North Carolina for a few days before going to Holden & Rachel's for most of Thanksgiving week! It will be the first time we meet little Cliff Hudson so we are VERY excited! It's HUSKER season so we are also looking forward to traveling to Lincoln for a football game at the end of October!